Monday, May 26, 2014

Quarter 4: Journal 2 The Two Towers

In The Two Towers, by J.R.R Tolkien, a theme that you are reminded of throughout the novel is The Decay of Civilization. Before all this evil flourished throughout civilization, the land was a peaceful and noble place. As the fellowship goes on their journey they see this evil across the land. Isengard and Gondor are two cities that used to be a peaceful and noble place to live. Now they have deteriorated and turned into miserable places to live. The morals that were practiced in the past have faded. Recent practices of hospitality toward strangers have been forgotten because of the new evils that are among the land. The quest to destroy the ring is not just to defeat Sauron once and for all. The fellowship is also working towards saving humanity from this gradual deterioration of good among the land. The fellowship knows this because of the frightened people they see in cities, and the overall appearance of the land. 

Quarter 4: Joiurnal 1 The Two Towers

The Two Towers, by J.R.R Tolkien, is the second book out of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. This book is mainly about the fellowship's challenge to surpass enemy forces to advance towards Mt. Doom. The fellowship is separated because Merry and Pippin, two hobbits, are kidnapped by orcs. The group that was with them, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli, pursue the hobbits to save them. While all this is going on, Frodo and Sam proceed towards Mt. Doom to destroy the Ring of Power. Along their journey they come along a creature named Golumn. He is the previous owner of the ring and he has intentions of getting it back, but for the meantime he shows Frodo the way to Mt. Doom. The Fellowship consists of three different races working towards one goal. One theme in this book is the value of fellowship. Fellowship is an important ideal for these characters, it stands for a sense of friendship that depends on respect, cooperation, and solidarity in which no one is the leader or considered more important.  I think this is the most important theme in the book because the fellowship is disbanded, and it challenged them to stay true to the Fellowship of the Ring.